CityMoveData Most Engaging Forum Poster Contest

$5,000 in Prizes!

Ten $500 prizes ($5,000 in total) will be awarded to the winners of our most engaging forum poster contest! This time the prizes will be awarded in categories based on each member's forum registration date, so participants will be competing against others who registered at about the same time. You can review your join date by clicking on your username in the top right part of the screen and selecting "Statistics."

Annual $5,000 prizes

  • One $5,000 prize per year awarded to user with best quality overall thread.
  • One $5,000 prize per year awarded to user with best quality overall post.
  • One $5,000 prize per year awarded to user with #1 most replied thread (best quality replies).
  • One $5,000 prize per year awarded to user with #1 most liked post (with highest quality).
  • One $5,000 prize per year awarded to user whose posts were most shared on social media.

Monthly $500 prizes (total $5,000 per month)

  • 2x $500 prizes per month awarded to users for top quality threads.
  • 2x $500 prizes per month awarded to users for top quality posts.
  • 2x $500 prizes per month awarded to users whose threads were most commented on.
  • 2x $500 prizes per month awarded to users whose threads were most liked.
  • 2x $500 prizes per month awarded to users whose posts were most shared on social media.

We will judge the ability to engage others in informative conversations, amount of unique information, usefulness and insightfulness of posts, value of posts to future readers, as well as presentation. We will value up-to-date and not elsewhere published information. You must be 18+ to enter. Read the rules.

If you want to win, you can win just by posting great new threads! We regularly search for the best threads and have a new winner every week.
Make sure that your threads are high-quality in order to win. Winners will be chosen by: number of quality threads, length of thread (short threads with high quality can still win! Longer threads with high quality will have a better chance.), and quality of thread.

  • Read the rules!
  • Starting threads about interesting forum topics that have not recently been covered will be especially valuable in this contest
  • Feel free to respond to older posts that were never answered, even if the original poster is no longer around. As long as the issue is still current and has not already been addressed elsewhere on our forum, those posts are useful
  • Additional posts that are not "informative" will not hurt, just don't do anything that might get your account banned
  • Feel free to start new threads that you believe will be interesting to forum's readers. Use descrptive thread titles
  • Engage other posters in providing useful information without provoking emotional responses or disrupting normal on-topic discussion
  • Photos and graphics can also be informative
  • Posts in all Forums both count
  • Fewer, but longer and well thought out posts can be better than many very short posts
  • This is our eleventh contest and we plan to run more contests with similar rules after this one, so your posts in this contest will likely count in any future ones too
  • Previous contest winners are elgible to win again with limitations on which of their posts will count. See the rules for details.
  • Tell your friends about our contest!

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Write a new thread or post to enter!