We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information. We do not share any information with any third parties.

Information we collect
  • IP Address
  • E-Mail Address
  • Useragent
  • Browser
  • OS
  • Country
  • City
  • ISP
What we use your information for We do not share your information with any outside parties.
  • We may use your IP address, useragent, browser, OS, country, city and ISP information, to identify the account usage.
  • We may use your email address to identify the account usage and send out emails for thread subscriptions, forum subscriptions and newsletters, as long as you agreed to it.
Advertising We use third party advertisements support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example), showing certain ads based on specific sites visited or provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).
Our website may contain some advertising or affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of those products or services we write about. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. We use a 3rd Party to enable these affiliate partnerships. You can read their Privacy Policy and find more information on the cookies they use.
Finally, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.
Ban Policy If your account gets banned, because you broke our terms of services, we take the right to release your information to the public. For example, spammers will be banned and info on the spammer may be released.